The DWG file contained in this zip folder is a HUC 12 subset of a parent HUC 10 vaersion of the data. The data was converted from an ArcGIS file geodatabase feature class to the DWG format using the Esri "Quick Export" tool. While HUC 12 metadata is not available for this data set, users can reference the metadadata from the parent HUC 10 feature class to gain an understanding of how the data was processed, etc. For example, to learn about the Contour_2ft_010400010201_filter.dwg, refer to the HUC 10 metadata for the Contour_2ft_0104000102_filter dataset. HUC 10 metadata can be found on the NH GRANIT website ( Users should also note that processing was done using HUC 12 legacy versions and several unit codes no longer match those that are currently archived and published by NH GRANIT. Users should use the "HUC Boundaries" documant found in this folder to reference the appropriate HUC 12 dwg files.