GRANIT Metadata for NH Bedrock Geology

Title: New Hampshire Bedrock Geology
Time Period of Content: 1928-1997 Publication Date: 11/3/2005
Originator: NH Geological Survey, NH Department of Environmental Services
This geodatabase contains 2 feature classes: formations (polygon features) and contacts (line features). Both were digitized from the 1:250,000-scale Bedrock Geologic Map of New Hampshire (Lyons and others, 1997). The Bedrock Geologic Map displays the type, location, and geologic age of the rocks underlying the state. The map is a compilation of decades of work by geologists who mapped individual portions of the state at various times. Polygon features found in these data display the location and extent of each mapped bedrock body in the state. Line features found in these data include contacts between individual rock units, and geologic faults.
Theme Keywords: Geologic Map, Bedrock
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