COOCCURRENCE - generated by Complex Systems Research Center, UNH, 10/9/01. Data is a vector coverage, registered to NH State Plane feet, NAD83. It was generated by overlaying 7 data layers, as follows: 1. Wildlife/Vernal pools: Select by: VERNALPOOLFLAG = 1 Data sources: a) Potential vernal pools from Deming, L., T. Diers, and J. Kanter. 1999. Great Bay Reptile and Amphibian Habitat Protection Project Final Report. Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord. 22pp. b) US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), 1:24,000 The above report identified which NWI wetland types represented high and moderate probability indicators of vernal pools. This set of wetlands was further subset to include just those wetlands that are hydrologically isolated. 2. Wildlife/RARP data: Select by: BIRDS-id ge 1 or HERPS-id ge 1 Data sources: a) Reptile and Amphibian Reporting Program (RARP) , NH Fish & Game. b) NH Bird Records, NH Audubon Society c) US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, 1:24,000 Again, the RARP and Bird Record data was used to identify the appropriate set of NWI wetlands to include in the study. 3. Large wetlands w/100' buffer Select by: NWIBUF = 1 for 100' buffer on wetlands 10+ acres NWIBUF = 2 for wetlands 10+ acres NWIBUF = 3 for other Data source: US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, 1:24,000 4. Surface water w/100' buffer Select by: HYDROBUF = 1 for 100' buffer around hydro polygons HYDROBUF = 2 for the water bodies HYDROBUF = 3 for other Data source: US Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs, 1:24,000 5. Unfragmented tracts>500 acres: Select by: UNFRAG = 1 for all unfragmented tracts 500+ acres UNFRAGCLASS = 1: unfragmented tracts > 500 and < 1000 acres UNFRAGCLASS = 2: unfragmented tracts >= 1000 and < 1500 acres UNFRAGCLASS = 3: unfragmented tracts >= 1500 and < 2500 acres UNFRAGCLASS = 4: unfragmented tracts >= 2500 and < 5000 acres UNFRAGCLASS = 5: unfragmented tracts >= 5000 and < 10000 acres UNFRAGCLASS = 6: unfragmented tracts >= 10000 acres Data sources: a) US Geological Survey, National Land Cover Data Set, 1992 b) NH Department of Transportation, road centerline data, June, 2001 6. Conservation lands 1/500' buffer Select by: CONSBUF500 = 1 for 500' buffer around parcel CONSBUF500 = 2 for valid conservation parcel CONSBUF500 = 3 for other (outlots) Data source: GRANIT Conservation/Public Lands data layer, 1:24,000, summer, 2001. 7. TNC Portfolio feature: Select by: TNC_FLAG = 1 Data source: TNC matrix forest matrix blocks and important biodiversity points, summer, 2001. The VALUE attribute theoretically ranges from 0 to 7, and reflects how many of the above layers co-occur at any location. The value of "7" never occurs in this study area, however.